Think Like A Lady Podcast
Welcome to Think Like a Lady! A podcast that enlightens tough issues about a woman’s place in a dominantly man’s world. Our discussions intend to stimulate thought provoking perspectives that are rarely the narrative in mainstream think tanks. From how the age of severe economic inequality has undermined women in the workforce to navigating the intricacies of the early suffragette movements who denied women’s rights to women of color.Let’s face it. Women are awesome. We’re not here to talk about us being awesome as just some empty platitude. We have some staggering data to prove it. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, as of 2019, there are now more women in medical school than men. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Education, women outpaced men in earning bachelor’s degrees by 1982, they earned more master’s degrees than men by 1987, and by 2006 they took up the majority of doctoral degrees conferred in the United States.Ok, but enough of us gloating. It seems that even though we’re just now beginning to dominate on so many frontiers, we’re still putting up with ridiculous challenges. From facing harassment in mosques, churches and other places of worship, and of course the workplace to the pink tax, Dua and Afroze talk about their own microcosmic experiences that lay bear on an intersection between their experiences as Muslim women who grew up with one foot in the west and the other foot in the east. Women have managed to conquer vast and numerous frontiers despite not being given the reigns to pioneer. It’s time we knocked men off of their high horse.
Podcasting since 2020 • 27 episodes
Think Like A Lady Podcast
Latest Episodes
S7E8: Life After Divorce
This Episode Dua and Afroze talk to Areej, and how her divorce made her a stronger woman, how it was the best decision for her children and her life. Areej’s story is both compelling and heart breaking. From migrating to the US from Palestine a...
Season 2
Episode 8

S2E7: Casual Conversations With Dua & Afroze
Join us this week and get to know your podcast hosts, Dua and Afroze on a more personal level! Want to know how we met? How we manage our friendship and podcasting business? How different we are? Listen to it all as we casually discuss va...
Season 2
Episode 7

S2E6: The Censoring of Palestinian Content
This Episode Dua and Afroze talk to John, a software engineer and analyst at Facebook. While remaining anonymous, John delves into Facebook's algorithm and it's biases pertaining to Palestinian content, how politics influences the training set ...
Season 2
Episode 6

S2E5: The Dark Origins of Zionism
Special guest Erik Al-Hussaina joins Afroze to talk about the bleak origins of zionism. Dating back to 1799 to when the idea was first described, to the Balfour Declaration lobbied by Britain to the League of Nations, Erik and Afroze reveal the...
Season 2
Episode 5

S2E4: The History of Islam in America
S2E4: The History of Islam in AmericaThis week on Think Like a Lady Podcast, Dua and Afroze delve into the origins of Islam in America. From the Muslim slaves that were brought to the Americas during the slave trade to the first Mosque e...
Season 2
Episode 4